Format: DVD (référence: DMDVD02)
Disque 1
01. Interview avec Depeche Mode [Présentation de la compilation: The Singles 86>98]
02. Stripped
03. A question of lust
04. A question of time
05. Strangelove
06. Never let me down again
07. Behind the wheel
08. Little 15
09. Everything counts [Live 101]
10. Personal Jesus
11. Enjoy the silence
12. Policy of truth
13. World in my eyes
I4. I feel you
15. Walking in my shoes
16. Condemnation [Live Devotional Tour]
17. In your room
18. Barrel of a gun
19. It's no good
20. Home
21. Useless
22. Only when i lose myself
23. Depeche Mode – A Short Film (Electronic Press Kit The Videos 86>98) [Durée: 25 minutes]
Durée totale: 132 minutes
Disque 2
The videos
01. But not tonight [BOF "Modern girls"]
02. Strangelove'88 [Version US]
03. Condemantion [Paris mix]
The short films
01. Violator [13/02/1990]
02. Songs of faith and devotion [27/01/1993]
03. Ultra [26/02/1997]
Production: Depeche Mode